The best bachelor party Mybachelorparty.com I really enjoyed it. My friends made it to me in the most beautiful place. And in Italy. I like Italy very much and I always like to return there and I also thought that it would be nice to live there. After all, Italy is absolutely beautiful, and there are plenty of opportunities to work. And do you know what else is great? That it was in Italy that I met my beloved friend. I was on a brigade in Italy and I worked in a bar. And he came as a guest. He was at the best bachelor party, and he wasn`t the groom. He was just a guest, but I didn`t know that. He was still dancing there with another woman and he was very beautiful. The best bachelor party was also a nice party, but I was sad that the beautiful bastard was assigned and I`m unlucky. So I just handed out drinks and some small food. It was very late and the best bachelor party was still in full swing.
I was already pretty tired, so I thought it couldn`t be true. I was about to go to the hotel when he, the handsome man, came to see me. And he asked me if I didn`t want to go for coffee, he said he saw how tired I was. So I thought I`d go for coffee. I was tired and coffee will definitely help me. We were very happy for the nice invitation. And do you know how it all turned out? We fell in love right away. The next day the best bachelor party continued and everything was nice. We could have danced with that beautiful man, while another bride and groom also enjoyed love and happiness. And that was a joy.
The whole bachelor party was perfect and I thought I would have it one day. And I had it in exactly two years. I was very happy. So our best bachelor party was really nice. She was in Italy and also in the same hotel as the two emy and I met. It was beautiful and we had about fifty hours. And our honeymoon? She was twice. In Italy and also then in Spain. We couldn`t have wished for more. So our best bachelor party was really nice. She was in Italy and also in the same hotel as the two emy and I met. It was beautiful and we had about fifty hours. And our honeymoon? She was twice. In Italy and also then in Spain. We couldn`t have wished for more.